Alacahöyük was the center of a flourishing Hatti culture during the Bronze Age. It had been settled continuously from the Stone Age. In the early 20th century Royal Tombs from the 3rd millennium BCE and a Hittite town from the 2nd millennium were discovered at this site.

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

View Alacahöyük
View of Alacahöyük. (886k)
On-going Excavations Alacahöyük
On-going excavations at Alacahöyük. (629k)
Two Royal Tombs 3rd
Two of the Royal Tombs from the 3rd millennium BCE. (1140k)
City Wall
City Wall. (984k)
One of the gates. (992k)
Massive Sphinx Gate
The massive Sphinx Gate. (694k)
Close-up Massive Sphinxes
Close-up of one of the massive Sphinxes. (725k)
City Wall Reproductions Original
City wall with reproductions of the original reliefs. (881k)

This page contains 8 pictures

Main page for Türkiye Cumhurieti (Turkey)

Page last updated on Thu Mar 21 09:49:24 2019 (Mountain Standard Time)

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