Rules for the European Gliding Championships 1996
Räyskälä, Finland

ver 3.0
Helsinki, 10.2.1996
Original text approved by the IGC, 30.9.1995

If/when you find mistakes, please mail me so I can correct them.


1 Championships 2 Objectives of Championships

3 General Requirements

4 Responsibilities of The Organisers

5 Championship Classes

6 Entry

7 National Teams

8 Team Captain's Responsibilities

9 Sailplanes and Equipment

10 Contest Numbers

11 Insurance

12 Registration

13 Briefing

14 Tasks

15 Safety

16 External Aid to Competitors

17 Championship Officials

18 Penalties, Complaints, Protests

19 Results and Prizegiving

20 Competition Flying Procedures

21 GNSS Procedures

22 Photographic Procedures

23 Scoring Systems

24 Calculation of Scores

1 Championships

Name of the event: 8th European Gliding Championships

Location of the event: Räyskälä Airfield (EFRY), Räyskälä, Finland, 60 44 40 N, 24 06 40 E

Time schedule:

Preliminary entries due01 November 1995
Final entries due01 February 1996
Registration24-30 May 1996
Configuration Change closes30 May 1996 (1000 hrs)
Official training26-31 May 1996
First Team Captains briefing30 May 1996 (2000 hrs)
Opening Ceremony01 June 1996 (1000 hrs)
Contest flying02-15 June 1996
Closing Ceremony and Prizegiving16 June 1996 (1000 hrs)

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Names and functions of the Organisers' staff:

See here.


before 30 April 1996
The Finnish Aeronautical Association/EGC96 c/o Kai Mönkkönen
Helsinki-Malmi Airport
FIN-00700 Helsinki
Phone: +358 0 370 316
Fax : +358 0 374 1551

From the beginning of February until the end of the competition
GSM mobile phone, Kai Mönkkönen: +358 50 5549988 (international)
950 5549988 (national)

after 1 May 1996
Address: The Finnish Sport Flying Institute
European Gliding Championships
Räyskäläntie 311
FIN-12820 Räyskälä
Phone: +358 14 448870
Fax: +358 14 148990

Competition office (after 24 May), use the address of the Finnish Sport Flying Institute (above)
phone:+ 358 14 448808 (international)
914 448808 (national)
fax:+ 358 14 448770 (international)
914 448770 (national)

GSM mobile phone of the Competition Director Tapio Savolainen 9500 433 059
GSM mobile phone of the Deputy Director Hannu Halonen 9500 551 545

There will be also additional mobile phones at the competition office.
See the special list of the phone numbers.

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2 Objectives Of The Championships
The objectives are:
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3 General Requirements

The Championships shall be controlled in accordance with the FAI Sporting Code, General Section and Section 3 (Gliders & Motor Gliders), and specifically with this document which constitutes Annex A to Section 3.

Any competitor or Team Captain violating or tolerating the violation of these rules shall be suspended or disqualified from the Championships.

The winner in each class is the pilot having the highest total score, obtained by adding the pilot's points for each competition day. In case of a tie, see paragraph 19.2.3

The winner in each class will be awarded the title of European Champion, provided that there have been at least four championship days in that class. There will be only one Champion in each class.

In order that a day may be counted as a championship day, a launch opportunity shall have been given to each competitor in the class in time for the competitor to carry out the task of the day in question (see also 23.3).

At least one non-flying day shall be given during period, althought the Organizers may declare further rest days for stated reasons.

An official practice period of six days immediately preceding the opening of the Championships shall be made available to all competitors.

The official language of the Championships shall be the English language; this shall include all regulations and information circulated to the competitors and briefings. The language of the Organizers and additional languages may be used at their discretion.

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4 Responsibilities Of The Organisers

The Organisers shall provide competitors and Team Captains with all complementary information upon arrival at the contest site.

Any matter intended to have the force of a competition rule must have been approved as a minimum by the IGC Bureau, if necessary by post. Only minor matters may be approved by this method.

The Organisers shall provide all facilities necessary for the satisfactory operation of the Championships.

Full meteorological information shall be provided during the Championships, access to which shall be available to competitors and assistants in addition to briefing material supplied to the competitors.

The meteorological and flight data, including GNSS data and other flight data (from the Championhips) is property of the Organizers. Such data shall be treated as confidential and only passed on to persons or organisations approved by the IGC.

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5 Championship Classes

Championships shall consist of three classes: Open, 15-meter and Standard Class as described in the main body of Section 3 of the Sporting Code, Chapter 6.

If any one class does not have at least ten participants from at least five NACs on the first Championship day, the contest shall take place but no Champion will be declared.

Two-seater sailplanes may compete in the Open Class either flown solo or carrying the same flight crew members (designated before the opening day) on every flight. Only the nominated pilot in command shall be listed in the results. Both crew members on board of the two-seater must fulfill the requirements for competitors in accordance with FAI sporting Code, General Section,

Motorised sailplanes shall be permitted to participate in their appropriate classes, provided their means of propulsion are made unserviceable. They shall be launched and retrieved as sailplanes.

Pilot changeover from one class to another shall not be permitted later than two months before the Opening Day.

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6 Entry

Application for Entry

Application for entry shall be accepted only on the official entry form and accompanied by the entry fee in full. Incomplete entry forms or those containing inaccurate information will not be accepted. After 1 February 1996 applications may be accepted only if there are vacancies, at the discretion of the Organisers.

Entry Fee

The entry fee is 3400 FIM and covers all operational costs during the Championships, except aero tows.

If the Championships do not take place, entry fees shall be returned in full. If, for reasons of force majeure, they are stopped or cancelled, unused fees shall be paid back.

A competitor who withdraws shall have no right to the return of any fees.


Each NAC may enter up to 6 pilots plus 3 reserve pilots, but not more than two plus one reserve pilot in any class. The number of allowable entries shall not exceed 100 total or 40 in any class.

After the closing date for applications for entry the NACs with reserve pilots may be entered in any class where vacancies exist, provided entry fees for the officially entered pilots have been received, on a first-come-first-served basis.

The current World and European Champions may compete as additional members of their team in their respective classes.

Competitors not representing European NACs will be invited to the Championships. They will participate within the same organization, but will be excluded from the official scoring.

Rejection of Entries

The organising NAC may not reject any entry to a Championship made in good faith and complying with the terms of entry.

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7 National Teams

Each NAC shall select its own Team Captain, competitors and assistants. The NACs shall certify to the Organisers (normally in the entry form) that the team members qualify under these rules.

The Team Captain, the competitors and their crew members by virtue of entering are deemed to accept without reservation any consequences arising from the event (for instance see 11 on insurance).


A competitor must be a citizen or resident of the country of the entering NAC and satisfy the conditions of the FAI Sporting Code, General Section 3.7 on citizenship and representation, and must;

A Team Captain may be a competitor or assistant but preferably in addition to them. He should be of the nationality of his NAC but a substitute of another nationality holding written authority from the NAC concerned may be accepted at the discretion of the Organisers.

An assistant may be of any nationality.

Not more than one competitor and three assistants shall be permitted for each sailplane.

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8 Team Captain's Responsibilities

The Team Captain represents his NAC and is the liaison between the Organisers and his team members. He is responsible for their proper conduct and for ensuring that competitors do not fly ill or suffering from any disability which might endanger the pilot or others.

The Team Captain is also responsible for compliance by his team members with the terms of the Certificate of Airworthiness or Permit to Fly of the competing sailplanes and, where appropriate, with the laws of his own and those of the Organisers' country.

The Team Captain is responsible for ensuring that all members of his team receive and understand all information given at briefing.

Team Captains' meetings shall be called by the Director of the Championships as required. If requested by five or more Team Captains, a meeting shall be held within 18 hours.

Team Captains not fullfiling his/her responsibilities according to this paragraph 8, may be suspended or disqualified in accordance with paragraph 3.1.

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9 Sailplanes And Equipment

Sailplanes, trailers, retrieve cars, and other equipment, including GNSS NAVloggers, barographs, cameras, licensed radios, oxygen systems, and parachutes shall be provided by the competitors and be of a performance and standard suitable for the event.

No instruments permitting pilots to fly without visual reference to the ground (artifical horizons, turn and bank indicators or gimballed compasses, including Schanz compass) may be carried on board, even if made unserviceable.

Any navigational equipment is permitted.

To encourage lookout, audio instruments are strongly recommended.

Each competing sailplane must have been issued a valid Certificate of Airworthiness or Permit to Fly not excluding competitions.

Each sailplane shall be made available to the Organisers at least 48 hours before the Opening Ceremony for an acceptance check in the configuration in which it will be flown. This configuration shall be kept unchanged during the whole competition.

Configuration refers to the shape and dimensions of the primary structure of the sailplane, including movable controlling surfaces and landing gear. The configuration is considered to be changed if the shape or dimensions of the primary structure are altered.

The Organisers have the right to inspect a competing sailplane at any time during the Championship up to the Prizegiving.

A damaged sailplane may be repaired. The following items may be replaced instead of being repaired: Control surfaces; the complete horizontal stabiliser; airbrakes or flap surfaces; wing tips but not the entire outer wing panels; canopy; undercarriage gear and doors; non-structural fairings.

If the damage was no fault of the pilot, the whole sailplane or any part of it may be replaced with the consent of the director of the Championships. Landing damage is normally assumed to be the fault of the pilot.

The Organisers, at their discretion, may permit a sailplane to be test flown.

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10 Contest Numbers

The contest numbers, as validated by the Organisers, shall be displayed on the underside of the right wing, approximately 2.5m from the centreline of the sailplane with the top of the figures or letters towards the wing leading edge. The height of the letters or figures must not be less than 80% of the wing chord.

The contest numbers shall also be displayed on both sides of the tail fin and/or rudder. These must be at least 40 cm high.

Contest numbers shall consist of not more than three letters or figures or a combination of letters or figures.

Contest numbers shall be plain block style with a single colour which strongly contrasts with the sailplane's background colour.

The Organisers may require competitors to modify contest numbers which they deem to be similar, confusing or not complying with this paragraph 10. Competitors not complying with the Organizers requirements, may be denied competition launches.

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11 Insurance

Third party insurance to the value of 2.000.000 FIM is required for each sailplane.

Personal medical insurance is required for all team members, covering accidents and sickness, including any local hospital costs and the costs of transport back to the team member's home country.

Documentary proof of insurance shall be made available to the Organisers in English.

Required insurance shall be available for purchase at the contest site.

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12 Registration

On arrival at the contest site, each Team Captain and his competitors shall report to the Organisers' Registration Office to have their documents checked and to receive any supplementary information.

After the close of registration, no change of sailplanes or pilots shall be permitted. Pilots whose documents have not been checked and found to meet all requirements shall not be permitted to fly until the requirements are met.

The following documents - and translations, if appropriate - shall be required by the Organisers:

For the pilot:

For the sailplane:

More documents may be required by the Organisers.

The Organisers shall state which documents shall be carried on board the sailplane.

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13 Briefing

During the training and contest flying periods, a briefing shall be held each morning at which full meteorological and operational information concerning the task of the day shall be given.

Attendance at briefing is compulsory for all pilots, except that a competitor who is unable to attend shall be represented by his Team Captain.

Flight and safety requirements given at briefing shall carry the status of Local Regulations.

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14 Tasks

All tasks shall be speed or distance. The types of tasks that will be set are specified in the local regulations.

A task shall not be cancelled unless 15.8 applies, or the weather deteriorates so that the tasks may not reasonably be attempted.

At their discretion the Organisers may set alternative tasks or tasks for one or two classes only.

Where possible the classes shall fly different tasks.

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15 Safety

Each sailplane shall be flown within the limitations of its Certificate of Airworthiness or Permit to Fly.

A maximum take-off weight of 750 kg in the Open Class and 525 kg in the 15-meter and Standard Class is imposed.

Any manoeuvres hazardous to others shall be avoided and may be penalised. Unauthorised aerobatics are prohibited.

Competitors shall avoid dropping water ballast in any manner likely to affect other competing sailplanes.

On every flight each occupant of a competing sailplane shall use seat belt and shoulder harness and wear a serviceable parachute. A first aid kit carried on board and an ELT (Emergency Locator Transmitter) are also recommended.

Cloud flying is prohibited.

Within radius of 5 km around contest site all gliders shall circle to left. Outside this area a sailplane joining another in a thermal shall circle in the same direction as that established by the first, regardless of height separation.

The Organisers may establish areas around the contest site over which continuous circling is prohibited.

Once launching has started, the Organisers may suspend towing if it is dangerous to continue. If the suspension is sufficiently long to give an unfair advantage to those already airborne, the Championship Director shall cancel the task.

A competitor involved in a collision in the air shall not continue the flight if the structural integrity of his sailplane is in doubt.

Sailplane damage during the Championships shall be reported to the Organisers. The sailplane may be repaired (see 9.5).

The Organisers may issue additional rules regarding safety.

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16 External Aid To Competitors

The following limitations are imposed so that the competition shall, as far as possible, be directly between the individual competitors, neither controlled nor helped by external aid.

Radio Transmitters and Transceivers

Radios are for communication between team members and between them and the Organisers only. They may not be used to contact Air Traffic Services other than for obtaining permission from an airfield to land on it, unless there are specific requirements by the Organisers.

Transmissions may only be made on prescribed frequencies.

Other Types of Aid. Leading, guiding, or help in finding lift by any non-competing aircraft, or competing sailplanes not flying the task of their own class, is prohibited.

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17 Championship Officials

The Championships Director

The Championship Director shall be in overall operational charge of the Championships and be approved by the IGC. He shall have a Deputy Director and Technical Officials to assist him.

The Championship Director is responsible for good management and the smooth and safe running of the Championships.

The Director is responsible for publishing the officially accepted entry list, for issuing daily results with the minimum of delay, and finally for reporting the full results and details of any protests to his NAC and to FAI.

The Director or his named deputy shall be available at the contest site at all times during the Championships period.


Stewards are advisers to the Championship Director.
They watch over the conduct of the Championships and report to the Director any unfairness or infringement of the Rules and Regulations or behaviour prejudicial to the safety of other competitors or the public or in any way harmful to the sport.
They assemble information and facts concerning matters to be considered by the International Jury.
They advise the Championship Director on interpretation of the Rules and Regulations and on penalties.
Stewards may attend the meetings of the International Jury as observers or witnesses.
Stewards have no executive powers. They may neither be competitors nor hold any additional position in the organisation.
Stewards must understand and be able to speak English and have extensive experience of soaring competitions.

At least one steward shall be present at the contest site throughout all major operational activities, such as task setting, launching, inspections, time keeping, checking of photographic evidence, etc.

International Jury

The International Jury deals with protests made by competitors.

The Nominated Jury consists of the President and two members. One of the members may be same nationality as the organising NAC.
A member of the Jury must possess thorough knowledge of the FAI Sporting Code, General Section and Section 3, and Rules and Local Regulations for the Championships.

The President of the International Jury is appointed by the IGC.

In addition to being Chairman at Jury meetings, the President has the right to require the Organisers to abide by the FAI Sporting Code and the published Rules and Regulations for the Championships. If the Organisers fail to do so the President of the Jury has the power to stop the Championships until a Jury meeting has considered the situation.

The Jury has the right to terminate the Championships if the Organisers fail to abide by the FAI Sporting Code and the published Rules and Regulations. They may recommend to the FAI Secretary General that all entry fees be returned.

Meetings of the International Jury
Attendance at Jury Meetings is compulsory for Jury members, except for special reasons such as illness or emergencies. In such cases an eligible replacement nominated by the Jury member concerned may be accepted by the Jury President.
A Quorum for the International Jury is 2/3 (66.7%) of the total membership including the President of the Jury.
The Championship Director or his deputy has the right to be present at the Jury meetings, but without a right to vote.
Decisions by the Jury shall be taken by secret ballot. In matters other than protests, decisions shall be reached by a simple majority.

Dissolution of the International Jury
The Jury shall only cease its functions after it has given its decisions on all protests which have been correctly made. If no protests are outstanding it shall not cease its functions until the time limit set for the receipt of protests following the last task.
The last action of the Jury is to approve the competition results of the Championships and declare the Championships valid, providing they have been conducted in accordance with the rules and the decisions of the Jury.

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18 Penalties, Complaints, Protests

Penalties and Disqualifications

The Championship Director may impose penalties for infringement of the rules. The severity of the penalties range from a minimum loss of points to disqualification as appropriate to the offence.

Number of weight offences x overweight (kg) x 2 = penalty points.
Photo errors: minimum 10 points; maximum 100 points.
GNSS errors: minimum 10 points; maximum 100 points.
Technical errors, such as wrong, late or missing information given by the competitor or his/her crew: Minimum, a warning; maximum 50 points.
Dangerous or hazardous flying, non compliance with any safety regulations, airspace infringements, including altitude limit exceedance: Minimum 50 points; maximum disqualification for the day.
Cheating or falsifying documents: Minimum disqualification for the day; maximum disqualification for the Championships.
Other violations: At the Championship Director's discretion.

Penalties shall be listed on the score sheet of the day on which the penalty was given.

A competitor who has been disqualified shall surrender his Sporting Licence according to the Sporting Code, General Section 5.3.


The purpose of a complaint is to obtain a correction without the need to make a formal protest.

Prior to the Championships a complaint may be made by an NAC. Such a complaint may concern only failure of the organising NAC to comply with the regulations for entry or the eligibility or refusal of an entry. A copy of such a complaint shall be sent immediately to the Secretary General of the FAI, who shall keep the President of the IGC informed.

At any time during the Championships a complaint may be made, normally through the Team Captain, to the Championship Director or his designated official. Such complaint shall be dealt with expeditiously.


A protest against a decision on a complaint as described above in 18.2.2 must have been made prior to the start of the Opening Ceremony of the Championships.

When dissatisfied with a penalty or the decision on a complaint made during the Championships a competitor has the right of protest.
Such a protest shall be made in writing, in English, and be handed by the Team Captain to the Championship Director or his designated official together with the protest fee within 12 hours (6 hours on the last day) of the publication of the ruling or decision against which the protest is made.
If a competitor has no separate Team Captain, he may lodge the protest himself.
The protest fee is 500 FIM. The protest fee shall be returned if the protest is upheld, or is withdrawn prior to the hearing by the Jury.

Protests may not be filed against the Championship's Rules.

Treatment of Protests

The Championship Director shall deliver a protest to the Jury President without delay.

The President of the Jury shall call a meeting of the International Jury within 24 hours (as soon as possible on the last day).

The Jury shall hear both sides on the matter of any protest, applying correctly the relevant FAI Regulations and the Rules of the Championships. Decisions will be taken by secret ballot.

A protest requires a 2/3 majority to succeed.

The Championship Director is bound by the decision of the International Jury.


An NAC may appeal to FAI against a decision of the Jury in accordance with the provision of the FAI Sporting Code, General Section, Chapter 9.

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19 Results And Prizegiving


Definition of status of results:

All results shall be published with minimum delay, clearly indicating the status of the results and the time of publication.

The cumulative scores of the Championships shall be final only after the Jury has ceased its functions. They shall be published before the Prizegiving is held.


At the Closing Ceremony the flags of the countries of the competitors placed first (the Champions), second and third in each class should be flown and the national anthems of the countries of the Champions should be played.
The Local Regulations shall state what flags, discs or tapes should be brought by the competitors.

The FAI will award a Gold, Silver and Bronze medal in each Championship class to the competitors placed respectively first, second and third.
Up to 10 Diplomas will be awarded to the first third of the competitors in each class.
Awarded Challenge Cups shall be held by the winners until they are put back into competition for the following Championships.
The Organisers shall award prizes to at least the top 25% of competitors in each class, and give commemorative medals or badges to all competitors, their assistants, and officials.
Small prizes may be given to the daily winners.

There shall be only one Champion in each class. If two or more pilots have the same number of points after final competition day, the sequence between those pilots shall be decided by the daily results. The Champion shall be the pilot who has the most daily wins. If the tie still exists, the Champion shall be the pilot with the most second placings, and so on. If a tie cannot be broken in this way, the Champion shall be decided by drawing lot.

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20 Competition Flying Procedures

The Launch Grid

The classes shall be launched in separate groups.

The grid order shall be drawn by lot before the first flying day shall advance progressively by 2/7 of number of sailplanes in each class after each Championships day.

The grid order and the sequence of the classes shall be published in the early morning. Sailplanes must be on the grid at the time specified by the Organisers.
Only sailplanes on the grid at the time of the start of the launch shall affect start operations and/or closing times.

Procedures for checking take-off weight will be specified in the local regulations.

Launching and Aero Tow Procedures

If a sailplane or pilot is not ready to be launched due to a fault by the Organisers, the launch in that class shall not be started.

Each sailplane shall be permitted a maximum of three launches per day. However, if a pilot postpones his first launch on his own initiative, or he is not ready when his turn comes up, he shall lose that launch.

Towing patterns, release areas, and release height shall be given at briefing.

Pilots shall not release until after the tow pilot has rocked the wings of the tow plane. Pull-ups before releasing are prohibited.

A competitor requiring a second or third launch shall be launched after the completion of the class launch in progress at the time the competitor is ready for such a launch. The Organisers shall designate a re-landing area which shall be shown at briefing.

If the Organisers delay the start of launching, other relevant times shall be delayed accordingly.

A competitor landing outside the Räyskälä airfield after a regular launch shall not have any further competition launch on that day.

A failed take-off or a failure of the tow plane resulting in jettisoning or premature release of a sailplane shall count as an official launch if the pilot elects to stay airborne. It shall not count as an official launch if the pilot lands immediately, even if outside the airfield, and reports to the launch point without delay.

The launching period shall be announced at briefing and given on the task sheet. The end of the launching period shall be before finishers are expected.

Start and Timing

Starts shall be controlled by sealed GNSS units. Time recording cameras are used as back-ups.

The start shall normally be opened 20 minutes after the take-off of the last sailplane in the class which was in its specified grid position on time.

Opening of the start shall be announced by radio. Ground markers - different for each class - shall be dispalyed at designated locations.

The closing of the start shall be announced at briefing and given on the task sheet.

The start time used for scoring shall be the exact time of the last recorded entry in the GNSS data log before crossing the GNSS start gate or if the GNSS fails the time of the last valid start photograph. A new start invalidates all previous performances of the day.

If there is no proof that the competitor started between the opening and the closing time of the start in his class, he shall be scored zero points.

Pilots shall communicate their start times to the Organisers within 30 minutes in writing via their Team Captain or his designated representative. These times shall be used for display of performance and for preliminary results. Penalties may be given for non compliance or incorrect notification.

Organisers shall publish the start times as quickly as possible.

GNSS Start

GNSS units should comply with the IGC requirements.

The Local Regulations shall state any particular requirements for certain types of GNSS units.

At least one valid GNSS start shall be made. Procedures shall be explained in the Local Regulations and/or at briefing.

If a competitor has any reason to doubt the correct functioning of the GNSS a photo start should be made.

A height limitation for the GNSS start may be imposed.

Incorrect GNSS starts may be penalised.

Photo Starts

Time-recording cameras should comply with the IGC requirements.

The Local Regulations shall state any particular requirements for certain types of time-recording cameras.

If no GNSS is in use, at least one valid photograph of the departure point shall be taken. Procedures shall be explained in the Local Regulations and/or at briefing.

A height limitation for photographing the departure point may be imposed.

Incorrect start photographs may be penalised.

Crossing the Finish Line

To complete a task, the sailplane shall cross the Finish Line unassisted, in the direction specified at briefing.

The Finish Line shall be clearly identifiable on the ground, may not exceed 1,000m in length, and shall be placed so that sailplanes can safely land beyond it.

The Finish Line shall be crossed at a maximum height of 300m and a minimum height of 10m or as a direct landing.

Competitors shall announce their arrival on the Finish Line frequency. The Local Regulations shall state the procedure in detail.

An Automatic Weather Station will repeatedly announce strength and direction of the wind and other weather information in a special frequency. In case of malfunction the Finnish Line officials will do that.

The Finish Line shall be closed:


The Local Regulations shall define the landing procedures.

Hazardous manoeuvres when approaching and after crossing the Finish Line shall be penalised. Having crossed the Finish Line the sailplanes shall land without delay.


When landing out the competitors shall comply with the instructions given in the Local Regulations. The competitors shall inform the contest site without delay. Non-compliance shall be penalised.

Outlanding certificates must be signed by two independent witnesses.

The Organisers shall assist competitors and crews in every possible way to locate outlanded sailplanes.

After an outlanding a pilot is not allowed to fly or be flown home in other aircraft than his/her own glider.


Aero tow retrieves are permitted from airfields. All aero tow retrieves are handled by the organizers in first-come-first-served basis.

20.10 Flight Documentation

All flight documentation such as GNSS records, films, barograms, list of overflown turnpoints, and outlanding certificates shall be handed in as soon as possible. When landing at Räyskälä this documentation shall be delivered within 45 minutes from time of landing.

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21 GNSS Procedures

Each sailplane shall be equipped with a IGC approved GNSS unit installed in a safe location in the aircraft. Competitors shall be responsible for the proper operation of his/her unit.

Description of Equipment

The GNSS unit must comply with the IGC requirements.

The resident program in the GNSS shall be protected to prevent tampering. Any attempt to interfere with the equipment or data will be recorded electronically. Penalties may be imposed by the Organisers for interference with the GNSS equipment, data or program.


The exact time of the GNSS start and finish shall be the last recorded entry in the data log before the sailplane crosses the GNSS Start Gate, and the first recorded entry in the data log after the sailplane crosses the Finish Line, respectively.

GNSS Start Lines

The GNSS start lines shall be defined as clearly identifiable lines on the ground in the immediate vicinity of any designated photo departure points. Details will be published in Local Regulations.

GNSS Turnpoints

The GNSS turnpoints shall be centred on the designated departure point, turn point(s) and/or position check point(s) as prepared by the Organisers for photographic procedures.

All turnpoints identified in the Turn Point Catalogue shall be stored in the GNSS program. The GNSS will record the passage of the sailplane through any turn point. It shall be the responsibility of the pilot to ensure that the sailplane is navigated to the turnpoints designated for the task of the day.

GNSS Method

The pilot must correctly pass through the GNSS start gate, pass through the designated GNSS turnpoint(s) in the correct order and the Finish Line to complete a given task.

Detailed procedures for the rounding of turnpoint(s) and/or position check point(s) shall be given in the Local Regulations.

If the pilot has any reason to doubt the functioning of GNSS the photo procedure should be used to confirm the correct rounding of the designated turnpoint(s) and/or position check point(s).

GNSS flight records not fulfilling the requirements of the prescribed turnpoint rounding and/or position checks will be penalised or disqualified.

If examination of the GNSS flight record reveals that the sailplane has entered restricted or closed airspace, as detailed in the Local Regulations, the pilot will be penalised.

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22 Photographic Procedures

Each sailplane may be equipped with one or two cameras, fixed in mountings inside the canopy, so that each photograph shows the left wing tip. The camera should be a 35 mm time camera complying with the IGC requirements.

The focal length of the lens must not exceed 50mm.

Films, if needed, will be supplied by the Organisers who may not be held responsible for defective films.

The clock setting buttons of the camera shall be sealed by an official before the camera is loaded with film. The same sealing may be used throughout the competition.

Sequence of Photographs

One photograph of the official clock.

Photograph of the declaration board taken before take-off.

One valid photograph of the departure point, from which the start time is determined.

Photograph(s) of the turnpoint(s) and/or position check point(s) used in the correct sequence.

After completion of the task and crossing the Finish Line

a) photograph of the landed sailplane, showing contest number,


b) one photograph of the official clock.

After landing out, photograph of the sailplane showing the contest number on the fin or rudder and prominent features of the landing place.

Turnpoint Catalogue of departure and turn points shall be distributed at registration.

Photo Method

The photo method stated in the FAI Sporting Code, Section 3, should be used.

Photos shall be taken from a horizontal distance of not more than 3 km from the turnpoint.

Photos not fulfilling the requirements of the prescribed photo method shall be penalised or disqualified according to the guidelines given in the Local Regulations.

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23 Scoring Systems

Common Rules

Each competitor shall be given points based on his performance.

The score given to each competitor shall be expressed to the nearest whole number, the value of 0.5 being rounded up.

Any penalty points shall be deducted after the score for the day has been calculated and shall not change the day factor.

Flights which have been disqualified shall be given zero points for the day, but shall be included in the scoring formula.

No bonus is given for landing on airfields.

Assessment of Marking Distance

The marking distance is the sum of the legs correctly completed in the proper order and the distance achieved on the next leg attempted but not completed, if any.
The achieved distance of the uncompleted leg is the length of that leg less the distance between the Landing Place and the next Turn Point, or Goal in the case of the last leg, with the provision that if the achieved distance of the uncompleted leg is less than zero, it shall be taken as zero.

A competitor properly controlled at a Turnpoint cannot be marked on a distance less that the distance to that Turnpoint, provided that the previous Turnpoints have been reached in the correct order.

To reduce risks in outlandings the Organisers allow GNSS- and photolandings. Detailed procedure will be stated in Local regulations.

Championship Day

A Championship day is defined as one on which more than 25% of the competitors in the class who have had a competition launch on that day, fly a marking distance of at least 100 km (see also 3.2.2).

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24 Calculation Of Scores (like FAI-rules)

Maximum Points Available

The Maximum Points available, Pm, is the least of the following three values (subject to correction by the Day Factor, F).

The least of either:


Speed Tasks

When Pv is negative it shall be ignored; it shall also be ignored for non-finishers.

Distance Tasks, or Speed Tasks Without Finishers


Day Factor

The Uncorrected Points, Pu, are multiplied by a Day Factor, F, to give the Corrected Points, Pc.

The Corrected Points, Pc, determine the score for the day.

Pc (Corrected Points) = F x Pu,


F = 1,25 x N1/N2


N1 = the number of competitors who achieve a marking distance of at least 100 km


N2 = the number of competitors having had a competition launch.

When F exceeds 1 it shall be taken as 1.

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8th European Gliding Championships - Rules booklet on

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