The following is mostly from Wikipedia:

Khokana is a traditional, tiny Newari village 8 km (5.0 miles) south of Kathmandu. It has its own history and has retained its tradition and culture. It is a living museum and recalls medieval times. The farming community of Newars who live here are mostly dependent on agriculture and much of their daily activities take place outside of their dwellings.

There are women sitting outside spinning, men crushing seeds, and other daily activities. The village is famous for its unusual mustard-oil harvesting process in which a heavy wooden beam is used to crush the mustard seeds in order to extract the oil. It is believed that a share system was used in the past here. This oil can be consumed if desired, but it can also be used for therapeutic massage. This was also the first village, indeed the first habitation, to be electrified, before Kathmandu.

In the center is a three-story temple, Shree Rudrayani.

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.


Local Brick House
Local brick house. (999k)
House Finely Carved Wood
House with finely carved wood doors. (829k)
Carved Wooden Door
Carved wooden door. (1035k)
Village Street People Doing
Village street with people doing their chores on the street. (780k)
Temple Rudrayani Mother Goddess
The temple of Rudrayani, the Mother Goddess, from the 12th century. (726k)
Small Shrine Front Temple
Small shrine in front of the temple of Rudrayani, the Mother Goddess, in Khokana. Note the goat curled up on the pedestal. (883k)

This page contains 6 pictures

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Page last updated on Thu Aug 15 10:50:34 2019 (Mountain Standard Time)

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