From the Mycenae entry in Wikipedia:

Mycenae is an archaeological site near Mykines in Argolis, north-eastern Peloponnese, Greece. It is located about 120 km (75 miles) south-west of Athens.

In the second millennium BCE, Mycenae was one of the major centers of Greek civilization, a military stronghold which dominated much of southern Greece, Crete, the Cyclades and parts of southwest Anatolia. The period of Greek history from about 1600 BCE to about 1100 BCE is called Mycenaean in reference to Mycenae. At its peak in 1350 BCE, the citadel and lower town had a population of 30,000 and an area of 32 hectares (79 acres).

The first correct identification of Mycenae in modern literature was during a survey conducted by Francesco Grimani, commissioned by the Provveditore Generale of the Kingdom of the Morea in 1700, who used Pausanias's description of the Lion Gate to identify the ruins of Mycenae.


Neolithic Age

Mycenae, an acropolis site, was built on a hill 274 m (899 ft) above sea level, some 19 km (12 miles) inland from the Gulf of Argolis. Situated in the north-east corner of the Argive plain, it easily overlooked the whole area and was ideally positioned to be a center of power, especially as it commanded all easy routes to the Isthmus of Corinth. Besides its strong defensive and strategic position, it had good farmland and an adequate water supply. There are only faint traces of Neolithic settlement on the site although it was continuously occupied from the Early Neolithic (EN; c. 5000–c. 4000 BCE) through the Early Helladic (EH; c. 3200–c. 2000 BCE) and Middle Helladic (MH; c. 2000–c. 1550 BCE) periods. EN Rainbow Ware constitutes the earliest ceramic evidence discovered so far.

Early and Middle Bronze Age

The population had grown considerably by the Middle Helladic. As elsewhere, a dominant Cretan influence prevailed from c. 1600 BCE, the first evidence of this coming from the shaft graves discovered in 1876 by Heinrich Schliemann. Schliemann's shaft graves came to be known as Circle A to distinguish them from the Circle B graves which were found at a later date, although Circle B are the earlier graves dated c. 1650 BCE to c. 1550 BCE and entirely within MHIII. Circle A is dated to the sixteenth century BCE including the transition from Middle to Late Helladic IA (LHIA; c. 1550 – c. 1500 BCE). The contents of Circle B are less wealthy than those of Circle A.

Pottery material spanning the entire Early Helladic was discovered 1877–78 by Panagiotis Stamatakis at a low depth in the sixth shaft grave in Circle A. Further EH and MH material was found beneath the walls and floors of the palace, on the summit of the acropolis, and outside the Lion Gate in the area of the ancient cemetery. An EH–MH settlement was discovered near a fresh-water well on top of the Kalkani hill south-west of the acropolis. The first burials in pits or cist graves manifest in MHII (c. 1800 BCE) on the west slope of the acropolis, which was at least partially enclosed by the earliest circuit wall.

Late Bronze Age

In the absence of documents and objects that can be precisely dated, events at Mycenae can only be dated relatively within the constraints of Helladic chronology which relies on categorization of stratified material objects, mainly pottery, within an agreed historical framework. Mycenae developed into a major power during LHI (c. 1550 – c. 1450 BCE) and is believed to have become the main center of Aegean civilization through the fifteenth century to the extent that the two hundred years from c. 1400 BCE to c. 1200 BCE (encompassing LHIIIA and LHIIIB) are known as the Mycenaean Age. The Minoan hegemony was ended c. 1450 BCE and there is evidence that Knossos was occupied by Mycenaeans until it too was destroyed c. 1370 BCE. From then on, Mycenaean expansion throughout the Aegean was unhindered until the massive disruption of society in the first half of the twelfth century (LHIIIC) which ended Mycenaean civilization and culminated in the destruction of Mycenae itself c. 1150 BCE.

Late Helladic I (LHI; c. 1550–c. 1450 BCE)

Outside the partial circuit wall, Grave Circle B, named for its enclosing wall, contained ten cist graves in Middle Helladic style and several shaft graves, sunk more deeply, with interments resting in cists. Richer grave goods mark the burials as possibly regal. Mounds over the top contained broken drinking vessels and bones from a repast, testifying to a more than ordinary farewell. Stelae surmounted the mounds.

A walled enclosure, Grave Circle A, included six more shaft graves, with nine female, eight male, and two juvenile interments. Grave goods were more costly than in Circle B. The presence of engraved and inlaid swords and daggers, with spear points and arrowheads, leave little doubt that warrior chieftains and their families were buried here. Some art objects obtained from the graves are the Silver Siege Rhyton, the Mask of Agamemnon, the Cup of Nestor, and weapons both votive and practical. The chemical compositions of the silver objects indicate that the silver was sourced from several locations.

Late Helladic II (LHII; c. 1450–c. 1400 BCE)

Alan Wace divided the nine tholos tombs of Mycenae into three groups of three, each based on architecture. His earliest – the Cyclopean Tomb, Epano Phournos, and the Tomb of Aegisthus – are dated to LHIIA.

Burial in tholoi is seen as replacing burial in shaft graves. The care taken to preserve the shaft graves testifies that they were by then part of the royal heritage, the tombs of the ancestral heroes. Being more visible, the tholoi all had been plundered either in antiquity, or in later historic times.

Late Helladic III (LHIII; c. 1400–c. 1050 BCE)

At a conventional date of 1350 BCE, the fortifications on the acropolis, and other surrounding hills, were rebuilt in a style known as Cyclopean because the blocks of stone used were so massive that they were thought in later ages to be the work of the one-eyed giants known as the Cyclopes. Within these walls, much of which can still be seen, successive monumental palaces were built. The final palace, remains of which are currently visible on the acropolis of Mycenae, dates to the start of LHIIIA:2. Earlier palaces must have existed, but they had been cleared away or built over.

The construction of palaces at that time with a similar architecture was general throughout southern Greece. They all featured a megaron, or throne room, with a raised central hearth under an opening in the roof, which was supported by four columns in a square around the hearth. A throne was placed against the center of a wall to the side of the hearth, allowing an unobstructed view of the ruler from the entrance. Frescoes adorned the plaster walls and floor.

The room was accessed from a courtyard with a columned portico. A grand staircase led from a terrace below to the courtyard on the acropolis.

In the temple built within the citadel, a scarab of Queen Tiye of Egypt, who was married to Amenhotep III, was placed in the Room of the Idols alongside at least one statue of either LHIIIA:2 or B:1 type. Amenhotep III's relations with m-w-k-i-n-u, *Mukana, have corroboration from the inscription at Kom al-Hetan - but Amenhotep's reign is thought to align with late LHIIIA:1. It is likely that Amenhotep's herald presented the scarab to an earlier generation, which then found the resources to rebuild the citadel as Cyclopean and then, to move the scarab here.

Wace's second group of tholoi are dated between LHIIA and LHIIIB: Kato Phournos, Panagia Tholos, and the Lion Tomb. The final group, Group III: the Treasury of Atreus, the Tomb of Clytemnestra and the Tomb of the Genii, are dated to LHIIIB by a shard under the threshold of the Treasury of Atreus, the largest of the nine tombs. Like the Treasury of Minyas at Orchomenus the tomb had been looted of its contents and its nature as funerary monument had been forgotten. The structure bore the traditional name of "Treasury".

The pottery phases on which the relative dating scheme is based (EH, MH, LH, etc.) do not allow very precise dating, even augmented by the few existing C-14 dates due to the tolerance inherent in these. The sequence of further construction at Mycenae is approximately as follows. In the middle of LHIIIB, around 1250 BCE or so, the Cyclopean wall was extended on the west slope to include Grave Circle A. The main entrance through the circuit wall was made grand by the best known feature of Mycenae, the Lion Gate, through which passed a stepped ramp leading past circle A and up to the palace. The Lion Gate was constructed in the form of a "Relieving Triangle" in order to support the weight of the stones. An undecorated postern gate also was constructed through the north wall.

One of the few groups of excavated houses in the city outside the walls lies beyond Grave Circle B and belongs to the same period. The House of Shields, the House of the Oil Merchant, the House of the Sphinxes, and the West House. These may have been both residences and workshops.

The largest stones including the lintels and gate jambs weighed well over 20 tonnes; some may have been close to 100 tonnes.

Somewhat later, toward the end of LHIIIB around 1200 BCE, another, final extension to the citadel was undertaken. The wall was extended again on the northeast, with a sally port and also a secret passage through and under the wall, of corbelled construction, leading downward by some 99 steps to a cistern carved out of rock 15 m (49 ft) below the surface. It was fed by a tunnel from a spring on more distant higher ground.

Already in LHIIIA:1, Egypt knew *Mukana by name as a capital city on the level of Thebes and Knossos. During LHIIIB, Mycenae's political, military and economic influence likely extended as far as Crete, Pylos in the western Peloponnese, and to Athens and Thebes.


Mycenae was among the numerous Aegean sites destroyed as part of the Bronze Age Collapse around 1200 BCE. The causes of these destructions are unknown, but proposed explanations include enemy attack, internal strife, and natural disasters such as earthquakes. Unlike many other sites, Mycenae was partly rebuilt after this destruction, though it was no longer the center of a centralized literate bureaucracy. Pottery finds suggest that Post-palatial Mycenae eventually regained some its wealth, before burning once again. After this period, the site remained sparsely populated until the Hellenistic era.

Archaic and classical periods

A temple dedicated to Hera was built on the summit of the Mycenaean citadel during the Archaic Period. A Mycenaean contingent fought at Thermopylae and Plataea during the Persian Wars. In 468 BCE, however, troops from Argos captured Mycenae, expelled the inhabitants and razed the fortifications.

Revival and abandonment

Mycenae was briefly reoccupied in the Hellenistic period, when it could boast a theater (located over the Tomb of Clytemnestra). The site was subsequently abandoned, and by the Roman period in Greece its ruins had become a tourist attraction. The ancient travel writer Pausanias, for example, visited the site and briefly described the prominent fortifications and the Lion Gate, still visible in his time, the second century CE. Pausanias also describes being led to the site by shepherds, showing that the surrounding area was never completely abandoned.

The Archaeological Sites of Mycenae and Tiryns are a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.


Cyclopean Wall
Cyclopean Wall. (1087k)
Cyclopean Wall Lions Gate
Cyclopean Wall. The Lions Gate not visible in the center. (1100k)
Cyclopean Wall Lions Gate
Cyclopean Wall with the Lions Gate on the left. (940k)
Cyclopean Wall Lions Gate
Cyclopean Wall and Lions Gate. (1466k)
Lions Gate
Lions Gate. (1303k)
Close View Lions Lions
Close view of the lions on the Lions Gate. (1332k)
Part Granary Late 13th
Part of the Granary, late 13th century BCE. (1.8M)
Outer Wall Palace
Outer wall of the palace. (1489k)
Rooms Palace
Rooms in the palace. (1.7M)
Artisans Quarters Palace
Artisans quarters in the palace. (1.7M)
Buildings North Slope
Buildings on the north slope. (1.6M)
Rooms North Slope
Rooms on the north slope. (1.7M)

Tombs at Mycenae (1550-1250 BCE)

Tholos Tomb Aegisthus
Tholos Tomb of Aegisthus. (1426k)
Tholos Tomb Clytemnestra
Tholos Tomb of Clytemnestra. (1455k)
Tholos Tomb Clytemnestra
Tholos Tomb of Clytemnestra. (1486k)
Tholos Tomb Clytemnestra
Tholos Tomb of Clytemnestra. (1368k)
Interior Dome Tholos Tomb
Interior dome of the Tholos Tomb of Clytemnestra. (789k)
Tholos Tomb Atreus
Tholos Tomb of Atreus. (1.5M)
Tholos Tomb Atreus
Tholos Tomb of Atreus. (1404k)
Interior Dome Tholos Tomb
Interior dome of the Tholos Tomb of Atreus. (813k)
Grave Circle B
Grave Circle B. (1.8M)
Grave Circle A Cemetery
Grave Circle A, a cemetery complex for royal burials during the 16th century BCE. (1.6M)
House Warrior Vase Probable
House of the Warrior Vase, probable part of the pre-historic cemetery complex. (1472k)

This page contains 23 pictures

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