This page contains some pictures of various architecture not related to Ancient Egypt or not directly identified. It includes modern architecture like the mausoleum of Aga Khan, and early Christian architecture, especially pictures from Cairo.

Historic Cairo is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

Ancient Egyptian Construction

Stones Temple Double-wedge Holes
The stones of a temple have these double-wedge holes cut out. Wooden dowels are then put in these holes to hold the stones together. (1036k)

Old unidentified ruins

Old Ruins Bank Nile
Old ruins on the bank of the Nile. (703k)
Ruins West Bank Nile
Ruins on the west bank of the Nile, opposite Aswan. (804k)
Ruins West Bank Nile
Ruins on the west bank of the Nile, opposite Aswan. (740k)
Ruins West Bank Nile
Ruins on the west bank of the Nile, opposite Aswan. (995k)
Ruins West Bank Nile
Ruins on the west bank of the Nile, opposite Aswan. (877k)

Roman ruins in Cairo

Roman Ruins Cairo
Roman ruins in Cairo. (753k)

Early Christian Churches in Cairo

These churches are from the 5th or 6th century.

Interior Church Early Christian
Interior of the church with early Christian paintings. (841k)
Interior Church Early Christian
Interior of the church with early Christian paintings. (851k)
Interior Church Early Christian
Interior of the church with early Christian paintings. (900k)
Interior Church Inlay Work
Interior of the church with inlay work. (602k)
Interior Church Early Christian
Interior of the church with early Christian paintings and wood work. (870k)

Mosques in Cairo

Citadel Monument Medieval Warfare
The Citadel, a monument of medieval warfare. (737k)
Muhammad Ali Mosque Imposing
Muhammad Ali Mosque, an imposing alabaster building. (746k)
View Muhammad Ali Mosque
View of the Muhammad Ali Mosque. (644k)
View Muhammad Ali Mosque
View of the Muhammad Ali Mosque. (550k)
Wrought Iron Screen Muhammad
Wrought iron screen on the Muhammad Ali Mosque. (967k)
Small Building Courtyard Muhammad
Small building in the courtyard of the Muhammad Ali Mosque for ritual washing. (676k)
Detail Water Fountains Ritual
Detail of the water fountains for ritual washing. (671k)
Pulpit Interior Muhammad Ali
Pulpit in the interior of the Muhammad Ali Mosque. (745k)
Details Interior Muhammad Ali
Details in the interior of the Muhammad Ali Mosque. (850k)
View Marble Tomb Muhammad
View of the marble tomb of Muhammad Ali through a marble screen. (470k)
View Mosque Cairo Muhammad
View of another mosque and Cairo from the Muhammad Ali Mosque. (697k)

Monastery of St. Simeon

The original name of this monastery is Anba Hatre. It was named after an anchorite who was consecrated as bishop of Syene (now Aswan) by Patriarch Theophilus (385-412 CE). This monastery is located on the west bank of the Nile, opposite of Aswan. The first signs of this monastery are from the 6th or 7th century. Significant building activity came in the 11th century. The monastery was significantly damaged by Salah al-Din (Saladin) in the 12th century. By the end of the 13th century the monastery had been abandoned.

Anba Hatre Monastery
Anba Hatre monastery. (676k)
Anba Hatre Monastery
Anba Hatre monastery. (854k)
Anba Hatre Monastery
Anba Hatre monastery. (908k)
Walls Anba Hatre Monastery
Walls of the Anba Hatre monastery. (618k)
In the monastery. (821k)
Paintings Monastery
Paintings in the monastery. (624k)
Paintings Monastery
Paintings in the monastery. (603k)
Paintings Monastery
Paintings in the monastery. (624k)

Mausoleum of Aga Khan

The Mausoleum of Aga Khan was built across the Nile from Aswan.

Mausoleum Aga Khan
The Mausoleum of Aga Khan. (674k)
Mausoleum Aga Khan
The Mausoleum of Aga Khan. (445k)
Mausoleum Aga Khan
The Mausoleum of Aga Khan. (643k)
Mausoleum Aga Khan
The Mausoleum of Aga Khan. (553k)
Mausoleum Aga Khan
The Mausoleum of Aga Khan. (1032k)

This page contains 36 pictures

Here are the links to the other pages on Egypt:

Today's Egypt People in Egypt
Nature in Egypt
Birds in Egypt
Birds in Egypt
Ancient Egypt Egypt
Mytholopy in Ancient Egypt
Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt

Page last updated on Thu Jun 23 11:46:41 2022 (Mountain Standard Time)

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